Thursday, June 4, 2009


This is my lovely Chevy

Chevy during The MAHA International Cat Show in August 2008

My lovely cats. There was a time where we had 70 cats. Six months ago, we had 41 cats but right now I have only 18 cats with us. I had to give away some of my cats after my beloved hubby passed away late last year. I and my son cant manage to handle too many cats at one time and after all, he is allergic to cats fur although he loves cat very much as I and my late hubby do.

These are some picture of so called my "second children''. Some of them are not with us anymore as I have told you earlier.

1 comment:

  1. Do you have a big house where your cats and you are? I cannot imagine that many at once. Did they all have names and could you tell them apart?


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