Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Salam Khamis

Monday, July 26, 2010
Nice to See, Nice to Hold

I have been following these wonderful memes for quite sometimes. I really wish to join them as I too have the passion for teacups. But time is always not with me. Today, for the very first time I am participating in their teacups memes which they have been hosting all this while.
Actually, I dont have many in my collection as compared to those avid collectors and I dont know much of their history. I collect them because I love the design and of course because I am a 'dishaholic'. Most of my collection are just the porcelain made in China. I dont have many fine bone china. But who cares !!! Having to be in the group who has the same interest and passion for the same thing makes my life more colourful.
As for today, I am sharing part of my trios collection from Royal Albert as shown below.

The Bone china Stamp is from 1941 to 1998
Description: Gold trim, large pink roses
Cup Shape:Countess

Flower of the Month Series 1970

Lady Carlyle is a classic example of the romantic floral tradition of Royal Albert. This intricate dinnerware pattern features a deep pink border complemented by a highly stylized floral design integrating posies, roses, bluebells, and forget-me-not's. Elaborate gold scrolls recall the curvaceous and extravagant rococo styles of the 18th century.
Cup Shape: Avon

Introduced: 1969 to 2001
Cup Shape: Montrose
(Credit to http://www.royalalbertpatterns.com/)
Im linking my posting to these teacup parties at the following memes. Please feel free to visit them to see what the other participants have to show us. Thanks for stopping by and leaving me your sweet comments.
To all these sweet and gorgeous ladies, thank you so much for having to host these great and fun tea parties.
Teacup Tuesday @http://http://www.marthafavorites.com/ and http://artfulaffirmations.blogspot.com/
Tuesday Teatime @http://sandimyyellowdoor.blogspot.com/
Teatime Tuesday @http://ladykatherineteaparlor.blogspot.com/
Tuesday Tea For Two @http://theplumedpen.blogspot.com
Wednesday Tea For Me and Thee @http://theplumedpen.blogspot.com/
Show and Tell @http://romantichome.blogspot.com/
Pink Saturday @howsweetthesound.typepad.com
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Salam Khamis

Ucapan terima kasih yang keluar dari mulut orang yang mensyukuri kebaikanmu akan terdengar lebih merdu daripada kicauan burung dan desiran angin musim semi. Ia juga jauh lebih indah daripada gemerisik meranting pohon atau alunan suara para biduan.
Jika yang engkau minum adalah air panas maka ucapan alhamdulillah akan terlontar dari bibirmu dengan berat hati. Akan tetapi, jika yang engkau minum adalah air yang sejuk lagi segar maka seluruh anggota tubuhmu akan mengucapkan alhamdulillah secara spontan.
Okay, jumpa lagi di ruangan Salam Khamis akan datang. Semoga kita semua di dalam peliharaan dan rahmat Allah SWT.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Cats on Tuesday - Specially for Cat Lovers

Happy viewing and enjoy yourself.

Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other participants in the Cats on Tuesday.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Salam Khamis

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Salam Khamis

Friday, July 2, 2010
Specially for Cat Lovers - Part I


Thursday, July 1, 2010
Exchange Gift - Ezany, thanks

It has been a while since my last posting. Insyallah I will be on track again. Well as for today, I am sharing with you my friends, the gifts I received from Ezany. Let the pictures do the talking.

Ezany, thanks so much
To Eija, thank you for organising such a fun and great event and congratulations for making this programme a success.