Thursday, February 25, 2010

Salam Maulidur Rasul n Have A Great Weekend

Salam to all my dear friends.

Well, actually there's nothing much to say. Tomorrow is a holiday buat sad to say I have to be away from home this weekend for a business trip. Sedihnye......

Tomorrow is the birthday of our Rasulullah SAW. To all my muslims friends...Selamat Menyambut Maulidur Rasul.


  1. Salam maulidur Rasul utk kak gee sekeluarga. N enjoy ur business trip!! jgn sedih2!!!

  2. salam maulidur rasul kak gee..wahh akak nie..berjalan sokmo..enjoy2 k.. ;)

  3. salam maulidur rasul jugak buat k gee sekeluarga...moga bertambah kecintaan kita pd junjungan besar nabi Muhammad saw...

    sonoknye nak gi jejln... moga ceria selalu...

  4. salam maulidur rasul.....

    semoga kgee selamat pergi n kembali.... jumpa lagi nnt.....


I appreciate your sweet comments and feel free to drop by again.