Saturday, September 26, 2009

Pink Saturday - Pink Gifts

Its Saturday and its Pink Saturday. Feel free to drop by Beverly@ for more exciting post of Pink Saturday.

I started blogging about 3 months ago. Since then, I have make many new friends local and abroad regardless race and religion. All that matters, we share the same interest, passion nor hobbies in life. 'Life is too short not to make the best and the most of everything that comes your way everyday.'

An arabian proverb says:

"A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the greatest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away."

As for today I am going to to share some of the pink gifts which I received from my bloggers friends local and abroad. Infact, many of them, I have never met before. We corresponded through email, shout box, sms or phone. I greatly appreciate and feel honoured with all those gifts.

Faux cup cakes

To me, both the cuppa cakes and frying pan are so lovely and it comes from the same person. She is talented and has turned the frying pan into a gorgeous piece through 'decoupage'.

A wall frame from another blogger friend abroad.

Plates with pink roses which I received as a token of our friendship from a local blogger friend

Thank you my friends

Thank you so much for stopping by and hope you will visit me again. Happy Pink Saturday and have a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Salam Khamis

Berjumpa kita lagi di ruangan Salam Khamis - iaitu petikan Koleksi Mutiara Kata Al-Qarni untuk renungan bersama.

Mutiara 11

Mensyukuri nikmat akan menghapuskan bencana, meninggalkan dosa adalah kehidupan hati, dan mengalahkan nafsu adalah kelazatan orang-orang besar.

Mutiara 12

Sepotong roti kering dalam keamanan itu lebih lazat daripada madu dalam ketakutan. Tinggal di khemah tetapi terjaga dari fitnah itu lebih baik daripada tinggal di istana yang penuh fitnah.

Ok my friends kita sambung lagi di siri akan datang. Semoga hari ini lebih baik dari semalam.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Salam Khamis

Sambungan koleksi Mutiara Kata Al-Qarni untuk renungan bersama.

Mutiara 9

Beruzlah adalah kerajaan berfikir, terlalu banyak bergaul adalah bodoh, menggantungkan diri kepada manusia adalah tindakan yang keliru, dan memusuhi mereka adalah tindakan tidak bermanfaat.

Mutiara 10

Perilaku buruk adalah azab, kedengkian adalah racun, ghibah adalah kehinaan, dan mencari-cari kesalahan adalah kerugian.

Semoga amalan kita di hari2 akhir bulan Ramadhan ini mendapat keberkatan Allah SWT.
Bye jumpa lagi di siri akan datang.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Salam Aidil Fitri untuk Semua Sahabat Maya ku.....(update)

Kad raye daripada kak gee untuk semua sahabat2 on line yang dikasihi. Kak gee jemput semua kiranya sudi ambil kad ini ye.

Maaf kak gee pinta
Sekiranya ade salah tutur kata
Di sepanjang persahabatan kita
Moga lebaran Aidil Fitri tahun ini
Merapatkan silatulrahim kita

Kepada semua para sahabat yang telah mengirimkan kad raye maya, terima kasih tidak terhingga kak gee ucapkan.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cherry Blossom Teaset Collection (Sakura)

Before I begin with my story, let me introduce something that has to do with my posting today.

A cherry blossom is the name for the flower of cherry trees known as Sakura (Japanese kanji : 桜 or 櫻; hiragana: さくら) in Japanese. In English, the word "sakura" is equivalent to the Japanese flowering cherry. Cherry fruit (known in Japanese as sakuranbo) comes from another species of tree. Cherry Blossoms are indigenous to many Asian states including Japan, Korea, China, and India. Japan has a wide variety of cherry blossoms (sakura); well over 200 cultivars can be found there.

(Extract form -

I have a habit and love to collect old dishes especially teaset and teacups and of course roses are the most favourite flowers. Do I like or love cherry blossom?? I do so but sad to say I didnt get the chance to see it in real when visiting Korea last year.

Today I am going to share 2 set of teacups which consist of 13 teacups with 3 different shapes. But I have only 1 teapot to share by all those. I have never used this tea set before. I guessed I will do so in the future. I need to be careful when using as its quite difficult to find a substitute once its broken.

Many thanks for visiting me and feel free to stop by for more wonderful Pink Saturday posts.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Show and Tell Friday - Raya's Exchange Gift

Its Friday and its Show and Tell Friday at There is no place like at home hosted by Kellis.
Please visit her blog for some more exciting Show and Tell posts.

Today I am going to share something I got from Affeen @ Affeen's Decoupage as a Raya's Exchange Gift. This is my second time participating in this kind of programme hosted by MrsNor @ Hobi dan Kehidupan. To MrsNor - my heartiest congratulations for making this event a success.
All are Affeen's hand craft work. These two frames are made through decoupage technique and the one with the lettering friendship is a folkart.

Thank you Affeen for giving me so much joy today.

Thank you my friends for stopping by and for leaving me your sweet comments.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Award From......

These two lovely awards I received from Azlina at Terimalah aku sedayanya..aku,

Yatt at Yatt's Precious and Mummyseri at Epok Epok Pusing.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Salam Khamis

Salam semua kawan2.

Berjumpa kita lagi di ruangan Salam Khamis - iaitu petikan Koleksi Mutiara Kata Al-Qarni untuk renungan bersama.

Mutiara 7

Memberi maaf adalah lebih lazat daripada membalas dendam, bekerja lebih nikmat daripada menganggur, qanaah lebih bernilai daripada harta, dan kesihatan lebih baik daripada kekayaan.

Mutiara 8

Bersendirian itu lebih baik darpada kawan yang jahat, dan kawan yang soleh lebih baik daripada bersendirian, uzlah adalah ibadat, sementara berfikir adalah ibadah dalam bentuk yang lain.

Ok, jumpa lagi di siri akan datang. Semoga amalan kita pada hari ini lebih baik dari semalam.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Giveaway from Tasha

Made in England
Sorry for not doing any posting for the past 4 days. I dont think Im able to update regularly this week too. My, I got so many things to do. Just dont know where to start. As for today, Im going to share something I received last week. It was a surprise. Its was a giveaway from Tasha @Antique's & 2nd Handz.

Thank you Tasha

Thursday, September 3, 2009

What do u think...?

Many thanks to Kelli for hosting this great Show and Tell Friday event and to Beverly at How sweet the sound for hosting Pink Saturday.

To start with, I am a bit busy today and at the same time, I do not want to miss Show and Tell Friday and Pink Saturday. Since 2 weeks ago, I have been doing a posting for double events that is Show and Tell Friday and Pink Saturday and I am going to do the same thing this week.

Today I am going to share with you my friends just a simple collection of another roses tea set. I love the flowers very much and it was a great find.

Some people named this flower as ' Rare rose'

I almost have the complete set

The 2 side plates were a token from a blogger friend in Sabah

What do you think.....? Isn't it lovely and sweet?
To me, yes it is.

A big thank you for stopping by and do drop by again. I love your visit so much and thanks for your sweet comments.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Salam Khamis

Assalamualaikum semua kawan2

Sambungan koleksi Mutiara Kata Al-Qarni untuk renungan bersama.

Mutiara 5

Wanita yang cantik lagi takwa, rumah yang luas,
rezeki yang cukup, dan tetangga yang soleh
adalah kenikmatan yang
kurang disedari oleh kebanyakan manusia.

Mutiara 6
Kemampuan melupakan hal-hal yang tidak disenangi adalah suatu nikmat, mengingat nikmat-nikmat adalah kebaikan, dan tidak memikirkan kekurangan orang lain adalah satu keutamaan.

Semoga amalan kita di bulan Ramadhan ini mendapat keberkatan Allah SWT.
Bye jumpa lagi di siri akan datang.